Saturday, July 16, 2011

Rachel Carson responsible for the death of millions of defenseless Africans

Rachel Carson has been praised for being somewhat of a "hero" to many, but what people don't know is that she is responsible for killing millions of innocent people. Her purpose of here book "Silent Spring" was to raise awareness about the risks associated with pesticides and other chemicals, but she highly exaggerated these claims. She painted a picture to the world that DDT, a chemical used for public health uses to fight malaria and other insect-borne diseases, could cause major damage to humans. She was trying to feel good about herself by raising this "awareness," but most of the claims she made were without merit. She published this book without any proof of what she was claiming just to become a public figure in the environmental world. Before this book was published, millions of people were being saved from malaria because of the use of DDT. After the book, DDT has been banned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency because of her ridiculous claims. Manufacturing of DDT was then nonexistent. This led to DDT being hard to find for the countries that are riddled with malaria. As a direct cause of her book, millions of people became infected with malaria and died. Rachel Carson should not be praised for her efforts since her efforts led to millions of deaths in Africa. The deaths are piling up and there are no signs they are slowing down. Rachel Carson is a murderer.

The face of a murderer


Friday, July 15, 2011

Mercury Brochure

This mercury brochure explains what mercury is, why it is dangerous, and how humans can be exposed. It also gives the reader a general description of the global mercury cycle. Prevention methods are also listed in this brochure.

The link to the brochure can be found here.